How Damon Braces Can Straighten Your Teeth Faster | E&S Orthodontics

Way too many people tend to believe that all braces are the same when it comes to straightening smiles that are crowded, crooked or contain gapped teeth. However, orthodontics as a mode of dental care has significantly improved over time, providing patients with more treatment choices than ever before. With Damon braces in Phoenix, dentists can now quickly fix a greater variety of orthodontic problems with just one system, allowing patients to keep their daily appearance while receiving the smile of their dreams.

What Are Self-Ligating Braces?

Damon system braces are self-ligating braces. Both Damon metal and clear braces are available at our dentist’s office. In all forms of orthodontics, wires and brackets are used to shift the teeth into position. On the other hand, these braces use doors, slides, or clamps to secure the arch wires to the supports.

Damon’s method makes use of a unique drop mechanism. Because the wires can move easily, there is less friction. In comparison, the framework of traditional braces used metal wires or elastic ties (called ligatures) to keep the arch wires in position, which boosts friction.

In the Damon system, braces, memory arch wires, and lightweight and self-ligating supports are both employed. The modern wires move the teeth into the appropriate place with little effort.

How Do Damon Braces Work?

Any type of braces, whether traditional or Damon braces, works by applying pressure, which promotes bone remodelling. The teeth’s supporting tissues and bones can move because they degenerate in reaction to stress.

After some time, the teeth are surrounded by new bone that helps to anchor them in place. In what manner are the teeth being pushed? After that, the brace arch wires are wrapped around and put inside the frames. The wires apply pressure to the teeth and provide them with a path as they reconstruct their initial shape. The teeth are held in position by new bone that surrounds them as it grows over time.

Do Damon Braces Work Faster?

No, teeth do not move more quickly with Damon braces near you or additional self-ligating braces. No matter the source of the force—Damon system braces, traditional braces, or clear aligners—your teeth will move in response. Your teeth are completely oblivious to the sort of appliance being used to move them into position.

Despite this, using braces rather than conventional braces occasionally results in a small reduction in treatment times. This is so that some mechanical inefficiencies connected with traditional braces can be eliminated by braces. Because there is less friction and the teeth can slide freely, they travel more directly to their targets.

Most significantly, you can ask an orthodontist near you, to see how well the treatment has worked for other patients by comparing after and before photos taken with the Damon system.

What are the Advantages of Damon Braces?

  • Compared to conventional braces, the Damon transparent and metal are both noticeably shorter and smoother. Our Houston braces patients love how little irritation their cheeks, lips or tongue experience as a result of the fact that even the metal kind is less noticeable.
  • Maintaining oral health is more manageable with braces. Elastics, braces, and ties tend to gather plaque, which makes it difficult to clean them thoroughly.
  • Because there are no ties on Damon braces, there is one less thing to think about and nowhere for food debris to hide. Because the wires move more readily and with less resistance during treatment, they are less sensitive and uncomfortable.
  • Braces that self-ligate require fewer office appointments. Damon braces make it faster and easier to replace worn-out wires because elastics don’t require to be taken out and replaced.

Finding Reliable Orthodontics in Phoenix

As you can observe, Damon braces have some important benefits, even though they aren’t a miracle cure. To find out if  E&S Orthodontics is the best option for you, contact us when you can! Our team is eager to help you obtain the very best smile possible.