You no longer need
permission to fix your smile.

Your smile can make all the difference. When you are confident in your smile, you become more confident in both your professional and social life. Many of us are not born with perfect teeth, which is why many opt to get braces. However, the older you get, the more self-conscious you become about straightening your teeth. Invisalign offers a solution for adults to straighten their teeth without anyone knowing!

Are you interested in Invisalign for adults at an orthodontic clinic in or around the Phoenix Valley? Visit E&S Orthodontics for a consultation today!

Get your smile Zoom-ready.

While Invisalign is a set of clear aligners, they can do wonders for your teeth! Aside from straightening misaligned teeth, they can treat dental concerns, such overbites, underbites, crossbites, gaps, or crowded teeth.

The only thing we’re
full of is smiles.

You might think that the smile you have as an adult is permanent and can’t be fixed. Think again! It’s never too late to straighten your teeth and Invisalign can be a simple solution for many adults. Benefits of getting Invisalign include:

  • Increasing your confidence.
  • Improving your oral health by fixing teeth that were difficult to brush and floss.
  • They are unnoticeable, making you less conscious about wearing them.
  • They are removable, making it easier to eat and maintain your oral hygiene.
  • They are comfortable to wear.

Let’s do this!

Your smile is ready.

Smiles deserve second chances, too.

Your free consultation will determine whether you are an ideal candidate for Invisalign. We will also discuss your goals and concerns for the treatment. Dr. O, our orthodontist, will also provide an estimated timeline for your Invisalign treatment. If you are eligible, x-rays and scans of your teeth will be taken to create your customized aligners. When you receive your aligners, you will wear them daily for at least 22 hours and receive new aligners as necessary during your treatment.

You can’t hide your smile.
But you can hide your treatment.

When you are older, straightening your teeth does not have to be something you are conscious! Getting Invisalign as an adult can improve your self-esteem and oral health. The treatment is invisible, but you never will be. With many positive benefits, consider getting a free consultation to see if you are an ideal candidate today!