Put your money
where your mouth is.

Do you wake up with frequent headaches? Or do you wake up with jaw pain? This can be a sign you are grinding your teeth in your sleep. When you grind your teeth, it wears the enamel on your teeth and can cause you significant discomfort. Getting a nightguard will prevent you from grinding your teeth, saving you pain and enamel.

Schedule an appointment with us to get your custom nightguard in Phoenix!

Get your teeth in shape
without doing cardio.

A nightguard is the most common solution to teeth grinding. When you wear a nightguard, it protects your teeth from the tension and adhesion between your teeth. There are a few different types of nightguards:

There are a few different types of nightguards:

  • Soft Nightguard – these are ideal for someone who does not excessively grind their teeth. It provides a soft, comfortable fit.
  • Dual Laminate Nightguard – these are more ideal for those who have more excessive teeth grinding. The inside of the nightguard is soft, while the outside is hard to protect your teeth.
  • Hard Nightguard – these are the toughest nightguards and can help treat TMJ and very excessive teeth grinding.

While there are nightguards you can purchase at the store and online, a custom-made nightguard from the dentist will ensure the most comfortable fit. It will also provide the most protection, as it is shaped to your teeth.

Let’s do this!

Your smile is ready.

If you experience excessive joy,
blame our staff.

If you are interested in getting a nightguard near you, schedule an appointment at E&S Orthodontics. We will take molds and create your perfect-fit nightguard. Get a good night’s rest once again!