When Should Adults get Braces | E&S Orthodontics

It’s never too late to get braces. On average we’re living longer these days, which has resulted in adults of all ages being interested in taking care of their teeth. As a matter of fact, adults now make up approximately half of the orthodontic patients, happy to finally have the perfect smile they’ve always wanted. Most people want a fantastic smile, and most adults realize that it can make a huge difference in both their personal and professional lives, well worth the expense and temporary inconvenience. It ís even becoming more commonplace for seniors to get braces these days. Also, the days of dealing with a mouth full of metal are gone as well.

Braces today are cosmetically friendly and more lightweight, evolving considerably over the last few years. Today orthodontics use bonded brackets that are much smaller than old school brackets. You can also opt for clear braces, a popular option if you’d like a more unnoticeable option or kick it up a notch and chose the Invisalign option. Even better, there’s a lot less pain associated with wearing braces now and you’ll also wear them for a shorter amount of time (12 to 20 months). All great reasons for adults to take the plunge and get braces.

Health Reasons for Getting Braces

There are several health reasons for having the appropriate bite. Cross bites as well as misaligned teeth increase the chances of food and plaque buildup between your teeth, which has a trickle-down effect on your oral health, leading to periodontal and gum disease and if ignored can lead to severe health conditions. An improper bite can lead to gastrointestinal issue because you can’t chew food properly.

Metal braces

People who have severely crooked teeth and/or significant bite problems may be prescribed metal braces because in some cases, they can be slightly more effective at shifting teeth than other options. Metal braces can also straighten teeth faster if they’re extremely crooked.

Traditional Clear Braces

Clear braces are another effective and less noticeable option, however they do have a couple of downfalls. For one, the adhesive that supports the bracket, holding it in place can stain if you smoke or drink dark beverages. Clear braces also cost more than metal braces.


Another exceptional option for braces is Invisalign. Most adults considering braces don’t want to get metal braces for obvious reasons. Invisalign provides them with a convenient, unnoticeable option that doesn’t draw unwanted attention. Invisalign’s aligners are made with an almost invisible plastic. As a matter of fact, you’ll be surprised to discover that most people won’t even notice that you have them. The average treatment time runs between a few months to a 1 1/2 years.

As they say, life is too short to put off making yourself happy and part of a healthy self-esteem at any age is being able to walk into a room feeling confident as you flash your healthy, beautiful smile. Whatever is motivating you to consider straighten your teeth, go for it – it can change your life.