What to Do If You Can't Make Your Orthodontic Appointment? | E&S Orthodontics

In the event that something unforeseen reason keeps you from making your appointment with E & S Orthodontics, it’s important to reschedule right away. Even basic regular cleanings and checkups play a vital role in your overall health and can help prevent more significant oral health issues. If you are being seen for more comprehensive dental issues, rescheduling your appointment right away will help to reduce the amount of time you spend experiencing pain and discomfort.

Life Get’ Hectic

Because we understand that life can get hectic, we constantly strive to make our schedule as flexible as possible to accommodate your needs. All we ask is that in the event that you can’t make it to your appointment, please give us a call even if it is the day of, or weeks in advance. We ask this for a couple of key reasons. First of all, it helps ensure that our office keeps a smooth pace throughout the day. Second, in order for us to provide a flexible schedule, we need to be able to maintain this efficient flow.

Timing is the Key to a Successful Outcome

It’s important to keep in mind that we look forward to every visit that we have with you, and missing an appointment may end up pushing out your treatment. For us, this just means we get to see you in the office longer. For you, treatment times will be longer. When you miss an appointment, it can lead to issues that cause your teeth to temporarily stop moving. This ultimately extends your treatment time because we aren’t able to make timely adjustments.

The bottom line is that the progress of your treatment depends on scheduled appointments so we ask that you notify us if you are unable to keep yours so that we can accommodate your schedule. As you may know, during popular appointment times, before and after school and during school breaks, our schedule fills up much faster. By not notifying us of your inability to make your appointment, we may not be able to schedule you for a convenient time without it being far in advance. This can have an effect on the success of your overall treatment.

In conclusion, it’s important to stick to your regular check-up schedule as often as possible to ensure that the time and investment you’ve put into the process delivers the desired result – a gorgeous, healthy smile!