The Accumulative Affect Of Health Chandler Tolleson AZ

Very few people understand that the way they treat there body, including there teeth, over time accumulates and it’s that accumulative treatment which can lead to painful medical conditions or teeth extractions becoming needed.

It’s important to understand that your body is like a car. Each time you dent your car or are involved in a crash it leaves some damage. The more and more times you dent the car the more and more damage the car has.

Eventually it gets to a point where that car is hard to start, looks horrible and is in desire need of replacing.

Your body is the same; the more and more you mistreat your body the more and more you damage it. Specifically when it comes to your teeth, if you miss cleaning them, washing with mouth wash or weaning a mouth guard during sport then this is all accumulating as bad things which have happened to your teeth.

This accumulation can lead to dental and orthodontic situations where radical intervention is needed. The problem is you can’t just catch up later in life and say “brush 4 times a day” when earlier in life you rarely brushed at all. The accumulative effect of that lack of brushing has done it’s damage and now you need to create a plan to minimize and if possible reverse that damage.

This is often why we see adults weaning braces. They just weren’t fully aware of the damage they were causing to their teeth or the damage the growth of their teeth were causing.

Around 25% of all orthodontic cases in America are for adults. So if you are an adult and have a smile you’d like corrected then it’s not too late. And if you are a child reading this, then understand while you may not need braces now does not mean you won’t need them in the future.

You must take care to continually look after your teeth, your body and your overall health if you want to grow up living a healthy life. If you are worried about your teeth in anyway, especially your smile then I’d strongly recommend you schedule a FREE orthodontic exam with us so we can assess your teeth and provide you with the right guidance.

Remember that the best treatment is always preventative treatment!