5 Common Misconceptions About Braces | E&S Orthodontics

Braces are orthodontic appliances that are used to treat dental abnormalities such as gaps between teeth, crooked or misaligned teeth, and bite difficulties. Usually composed of brackets, wires, and bands, they exert moderate pressure on the teeth over time in order to move them into the desired position. Children and teenagers frequently use braces, but adults can also wear them.

Why Braces?

There are several advantages to wearing braces, such as those noted below:

  • Close gaps between teeth
  • Fix crooked or misaligned teeth
  • Improve bite problems
  • Address speech issues
  • Straightening teeth
  • Improve chewing abilities
  • Give patients a stunning, straight smile to boost their self-confidence and self-esteem.

To start, by straightening teeth and lowering the risk of dental decay and gum disease, braces can aid in improving general oral health. When teeth are straight and correctly aligned, it is simpler to fully clean them, which lowers the accumulation of plaque and bacteria.

Secondly, getting braces near you can help correct bite disorders like an overbite or underbite, which can enhance general chewing efficiency and lower the risk of future jaw troubles. Additionally, by providing patients with a stunning, straight smile, braces can boost their confidence and sense of self-worth.

Furthermore, unappealing gaps between teeth can occasionally make it difficult to speak. These gaps can be filled with braces, enhancing both function and overall appearance. An overbite or underbite, for example, can lead to jaw disorders and make it difficult to eat. These difficulties can be resolved with braces, enhancing the general function and condition of the teeth.

Misconceptions about Braces

1. Braces are only for kids

While it’s true that braces are frequently worn by kids and teenagers, adults can also wear them. In fact, a lot of individuals today decide to have braces to address dental problems they may have had for a long time but weren’t able to fix earlier in life.

2. Braces are painful

While it’s true that braces can sometimes feel sore or uncomfortable, especially when they’re first put on or adjusted, this discomfort is usually moderate and passes quickly. Modern braces are more comfortable and less detectable than ever before because of advancements in orthodontic technology.

3. Braces take years to work

While the time it takes to wear braces varies based on each particular instance, many people may straighten their teeth significantly in just a few months. Braces may only need to be worn for a year or two in some situations.

4. Braces are only for cosmetic purposes

While having a straight, well-aligned smile may undoubtedly make a person seem better, braces can also be utilized to treat practical concerns like speech impediments or biting abnormalities. By making it simpler to properly clean teeth, braces can also assist in lowering the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

5. Braces require strict dietary restrictions

While it’s true that some meals, such as those that are sticky or hard, should be avoided when wearing braces, many people are still able to enjoy a range of foods while undergoing treatment. To guarantee the best outcomes, orthodontists might advise patients on which foods to avoid or modify while undergoing treatment.


In summary, your dental health and overall quality of life may be positively influenced by getting braces. They are an effective method for fixing dental problems, and thanks to modern advancements, they are now more comfortable and hardly detectable than before. However, it’s crucial to consult an orthodontist in Phoenix to find out if braces are indeed the best course of action for you.

At E&S Orthodontics, we offer  braces in Phoenix. Our orthodontist near you can also help with tips and aftercare to ensure that you achieve optimal dental healthcare. Get in touch today!